Freemasonry is for men who are looking for a better way?
Borrowing from the words of one of our past Grand Masters – M.W.Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels.
“Freemasonry is a global fraternity, the oldest and largest in the world, an ancient institution with modern relevance. In a sense it is a gentlemen’s philosophical society based on high standards of ethical behaviour and moral conduct. It provides a process of self discovery through self discipline, self examination, self analysis, self realization and self fulfilment. As such it is personal for every man in his own quest for knowledge, wisdom and understanding.”
The Masonic process requires WORK and commitment. It is not the only path to self improvement, but it is a proven path that has survived through differing times and cycles of life for the last 350 + years.
Freemasonry provides the opportunity for personal growth through association with a fraternity of like- minded men on a similar path who profess the principles of “brother love, relief and truth” in all their interactions.
This is a life journey – “all men are called – few choose to listen”. Are you ready to consider it? If so, we can be of service to assist you on this path.
I would direct you to the “Ontario Masons” webpage at https://ontariomasons.ca/ for additional information.
My personal email is: ddgm@smmasons.com
R. W. Bro. John Miszczak
District Deputy Grand Master
Sudbury – Manitoulin